Monday, January 28, 2013

Art Tourists: 5 February 2013

I will present my Art Tourists slideshow/lecture at the upcoming Artists' League meeting on Tuesday, February 5 at the FSU Museum of Fine Arts, 730pm. Come out to see the show!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Winter Photo Sessions!

 Today I had the privilege of photographing my co-workers and their family members. It's winter BUT the weather was great today, once again, the park was abloom with camillias and mokurens.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Concept Fairy: Wisdom

So after reading Brian Froud's book, Good Fairies, Bad Fairies, I thought that I could expand my fairy series to include abstract concepts. Here is the first one: Fairy of Wisdom.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

S FL December 2012

 A few photo sessions with my niece...
This one atop her dad's newly vinyled car
 My amateur attempt at intentional camera movement (icm) as inspired by Gerald Grow
Fireworks on New Year's Eve